Available from Solano Press
The most comprehensive treatment of local government finance in any
that I have ever seen. This guide will prove useful to elected and appointed local government officials, business leaders, reporters, students, faculty, and
others who are struggling to understand the highly complex world of local government finance in California.
~ Chris McKenzie,
Exec.Dir. League of Calif Cities 1999-2016
Available from The League of California Cities
The California Municipal Revenue Sources Handbook, NEW! Fifth Edition by Michael Coleman. The definitive resource on municipal funding for city and county managers, finance officers, academics and other professionals
engaged in the complex world of municipal finance in California.
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: Resources
On March 11, 2021, President Joe Biden signed into law a nearly $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill (HR 1319; PL 117-2). Known as the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), the law represents the sixth COVID-19 recovery measure that Congress has passed since last March. Local governments across the country will receive a total of $130.2 billion, including $65.1 billion to counties, and $65.1 billion to cities and towns. California counties will receive at least $7.675 billion. California cities will receive $8.222 billion.
Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF)
ARPA provides $350 billion in flexible fiscal aide to state and local governments in America. Local governments will receive a total of $130.2 billion, including $65.1 billion to counties, and $65.1 billion to cities and towns. The State of California will receive $26 billion. California counties will receive $7.675 billion. California cities will receive $8.222 billion. CSLFRF funds must be used within certain limits prescribed in law and U.S. Department of the Treasury regulations. Generally, the funds must be used during the period March 3, 2021-December 31, 2024. The funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024, expended by December 31, 2026. The funds may not be spent on extraordinary pension deposits to pay prior obligations (but normal cost payments for currently earned pension benefits are ok), may not be used to replenish rainy day funds or financial reserves, and may not be used for debt obligations or a non-federal match for other federal programs.
FEMA COVID-19 Cost Recovery On March 22, 2020, the President declared the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant a major declaration for the State of California, pursuant to section 501 (b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121-5207). State, Territorial, Tribal, local government entities and certain private non-profit (PNP) organizations are eligible to apply for Public Assistance.
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, "CARES Act" The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act is a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by Congress and signed into law by the President on March 27, 2020, in response to the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The spending includes $300 billion in one-time cash payments to individuals, $260 billion in increased unemployment benefits, a Paycheck Protection Program that provides $669 billion of forgivable loans to small businesses and non-profits, $500 billion in loans for corporations, and $339.8 billion to state and local governments.
Other COVID-19 Resources
In November 2004, the voters of California approved Proposition 1A, an amendment to the California state constitution intended to restore predictability and stability to local government budgets.
In 1992, facing a serious deficit position, the State of California began shifting local property tax revenues from cities, counties and some special districts into these funds to reduce the cost of education to the state general fund.
Frozen property tax allocations may not be the most efficient or preferred allocation now. Inefficiencies persist due to the fragmentation of policy and finance among too many local authorities and the decline of general purpose government policy making authority.
The disconnect between service costs and revenues in urban development impairs the provision of city services and deters balanced planning.
There have been more than a dozen task forces, commissions, studies and proposals on local government finance reform over the last decade alone. Here are some articles on the problem, ideas, and analyses of recent proposals. It is important to note that, in 2004, two important changes occurred in the state-local fiscal relationship: the passage of Proposition 1A of 2004, and the swap of $4 billion of state Vehicle License Fee backfill payments to cities and counties for greater shares of local property tax revenues. These major changes make obsolete some of the recommendations in pre-2004 reports.
Background and Overview
Local Government Fiscal Reform - Commissions, Studies and Articles
Legislative Proposals
Selected Presentations by Michael Coleman on California Local Government Finance Reform
Overviews and Statistics
Allocation of Tax Revenues
Property Tax in Lieu of VLF
Assessed Valuation of Real Property for Taxation |
Property Tax Administration
Property Transfer Taxes and Documentary Transfer Taxes - see Other Locally Adopted Revenues |
Overviews and Explanations
Data and Statistics
Local Transactions and Use Taxes: "Add On" Sales Taxes
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Rule on Use of Revenues
Sales Tax Issues: Interagency Competition, Allocation, Concentration, Local Kickbacks
Sales Tax Issues: Remote & Internet Sales, Simplification and Conformity (Also see above section)
Sales Tax Issues: Base Broadening, Exemptions
Analyses of Local Revenue Measures in California
Summary Reports and Analyses of Elections - California Local Ballot Measures
Resources for Local Ballot Measure Efforts
Established in 1935 as a uniform statewide tax, the VLF is a tax on the ownership of a registered vehicle in place of taxing vehicles as personal property. By law, all revenues from the VLF fund city and county services, but the state legislature controls the tax rate and the allocation among local governments. In 2004, the Legislature permanently reduced the VLF tax rate and eliminated state general fund backfill to cities and counties. Instead, cities and counties now receive additional transfers of property tax revenues in lieu of VLF.
Property Tax in Lieu of VLF, also called Vehicle License Fee Adjustment Amount (VLFAA) is Property Tax, not VLF. It should be budgeted, accounted for, and reported as property tax, not VLF and not intergovernmental. To avoid confusion, it should be called "Property Tax in Lieu of VLF" and not "VLF."
VLF for Incorporations and Annexations
Property Tax in Lieu of VLF
State grants and local assistance
California State Grants Portal administered by the California State Library.
Overviews and Issue Briefs
Transportation Funding Sources
Regarding impacts of the state budget on municipalities see "Cities and the California State Budget."
Data: Socio-Economic
The Data Source Handbook A list of state, federal and private data providers in subject areas related to the
people of California. California Department of Finance.
Department of Finance - Demographic estimates and projections
Department of Finance - Economic estimates and projections
California Department of Finance - Price and Population Data for the Calculation of Appropriation Limits.
Go to bottom of the page.
California Department of Finance - Statistical Abstract. 2000 through 2008. Discontinued after 2008.
California Department of Finance - Monthly Economic and Revenue Updates
California Employment
Development Department Labor Market Information.
California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) California Consumer Price Index (CPI)
United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Western Region, CPI Summaries
Census Guide: How to Get the Most Out of Census.gov from backgroundchecks.org
Census Bureau Government Statistics Census of Governments, Government Finance and Employment
Classification Manual, Governments Integrated Directory public
employment & payroll, federal state and local government finance, public
employee retirement systems, state and local government tax collections,
federal expenditures, Federal Audit Clearinghouse, criminal justice
statistics, elementary-secondary education statistics, library
Census Bureau - Local
Government Employment Data. Statewide summary.
Census Bureau - Employment of Major Local Governments
Census Bureau - California
(or other state) Quick Facts. State and county demographic statistics and more.
Census Bureau - California QuickLinks. Various datasets on California.
American Community
Survey US Census Bureau community level data. Updated estimates of social and economic characteristics for California, counties, incorporated cities and Census Designated Places. U.S.
Census Bureau
. Selected data from the American Community Survey from the California Department of Finance.
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
"State of the Cities Data System" Data for individual
metropolitan areas, central cities, and suburbs. Detailed demographic
and economic characteristics of the population; unemployment rates;
information on jobs, business establishments, and average pay in the
1990s; and FBI crime data.
State Board of Equalization Monthly Economic Perspective Newsletter
Controller's Monthly Analysis of State General Fund Cash Flow and
Economic Snapshot.
California Department
of Transportation Division of Transportation Information System
Information. A variety of California streets and highways statistics.
National Association for
Business Economics.
DataQuick Real Estate News. Home
sales, pricing, and mortgage charts and statistics.
Financial Forecast Center.
An assortment of US economic data and forecasts.
Profiles of US cities and towns with graphs and data drawn from a wide
variety of sources.
California Online
Directory. State employee phone / address directory
State Budget
State Budget Includes summary charts and tables on various
state and local revenues.
US Bureau of Economic Analysis
State Controller's Office Local Government Annual Reports. Reported revenues and spending for California local governments - some back to 1910. (Available here. Inexplicably no longer available from SCO). California Debt and
Investment Advisory Commission publications including debt issuance data and issue briefs.
State Grants Database.
Listing of grant programs administered by the state of California. California Coastal Commission Local Coastal Program Grants. California Department of Housing and Community Development Loan and grant programs. California Commission on State Mandates Info on reimbursable state mandates. California Department of Transportation Local assistance programs. California Department of Parks and Recreation Grants and Local Services. |
Western City Magazine Monthly
magazine of the League of California Cities.
Public Policy Institute of California
A private, nonprofit organization dedicated to independent, nonpartisan
research on California's economic, social, and political issues.
The Tax Policy Center.
Provides analysis and facts about tax policy. A joint venture of the
Urban Institute and Brookings Institution.
National League of
Cities special reports
Analyst's Office Provider of fiscal and
programmatic expertise and nonpartisan analyses of the state's budget to
the California Legislature.
CalTaxDigest articles
from the California Taxpayers Association.
Research Bureau reports, an office of the California State Library.
California Budget & Policy Center A nonprofit
research and public education organization addressing state fiscal
Constitution, Searchable. California Legislative Counsel. California Law Codes, Searchable. California Legislative Counsel. California Administrative Regulations. California Office of Administrative Law. California Court Decisions. Judicial Council of California. Attorney General Opinions. California Attorney General's Office. Federal and State Laws, Cases and Codes from FindLaw California Municipal Law Handbook League of California Cities. Colantuono, Highsmith, Whatley, PC. Papers reviewing the latest legal issues in California local government finance. . |
Daily File: California State Senate (includes links to listen where
available) State Senate Hearings - Audio and television Governance and Finance Committee, California State Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee, California State Senate Daily File:
California State Assembly (includes links to listen where
available) |
California Courts Home Page
Slip Opinions of CA Court Decisions Ninth Circuit Opinions Since 6/95 Findlaw Search of Ninth Circuit Opinions Since 1996 Findlaw Search of CA Supreme Court & Appellate Court Opinions 1934 - Present . |
City and County Codes and Charters (UC Berkeley Institute of
Government Studies Library). California Land Use Planning Information Network information relating to California land use planning issues including city and county zoning ordinances, environmental assessment documents, maps, plans, photos, reports/publications, and spatial data. California Local Planning Documents Database (UC Berkeley Institute of Government Studies Library) - Searchable database of city and county planning documents collected by the IGS Library. . |
Legislative Analyst's Office's analysis of current and recent ballot propositions California Secretary of State's Ballot Pamphlets On-line 1996 onward. California Secretary of State's Ballot Initiative Updates. Legislative Analyst's Office's fiscal analyses of proposed initiatives California Attorney General: Initiative Measures in circulation . Full text of proposed initiative measures. California Ballot Propositions Historic since 1884. Hastings College Law Library. |
League of California Cities Institute for Local Government (ILG) National League of Cities (NLC) International City/County Management Association (ICMA) US Conference of Mayors |
California State Association of Counties (CSAC) California Association of County Treasurers and Tax Collectors California State Association of County Auditors County Auditor and Tax Collector Names and Contact Information State Controllers Office. |
California Society of Municipal
Finance Officers (CSMFO) California Committee on Municipal Accounting (CCMA) white papers at CSMFO California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA) California Municipal Revenue and Tax Association (CMRTA) Government Finance Officers Association of the United State and Canada (GFOA) |
California Special Districts Association (CSDA) Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) California Association of Recreation and Park Districts (CARPD) |
Municipal Management Assistants of Northern California (MMANC) Municipal Management Assistance of Southern California (MMASC) California State Library Association California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions (CaLAFCo) California Communities (California Statewide Communities Development Authority - CSCDA) Cities, Counties and Schools Partnership (CCS) California Municipal Utilities Association (CMUA) California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) California Association of Councils of Governments American Planning Association. California Chapter California Planners' Book of Lists by the Governor's Office of Planning and Research. 2011 Edition. Prior years editions: 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 |
History & Conditions Issues | Issues (continued) Revenues |
The California State Budget
Useful Data and Info |